Meditation Flash Mob for International Day of Peace…

I’d never really given street photography a go before yesterday evening, but having recieved an email letting me know that there was going to be a “Meditation Flash Mob” to coincide with the International Day of Peace I thought I would give it a go since the subjects would be more sedate and less concious of my camera waving presence.

This particular “flashmob” was part of a wider community called MedMob who aim to “promote positive change in the world through silent meditation and sound bathing. MedMobs are meeting at various places throughout the city coordinated with cities around the world” with over 150 cities worldwide joining in to create an environment for people from all walks of life to come together in meditation.

It was nice to see a few familiar faces from the Manchester Buddhist Centre involved and Amitashuri has some video’s on her youtube channel that are worth a watch so check them out.


83 thoughts on “Meditation Flash Mob for International Day of Peace…

  1. I love these photos!
    It’s hard to actually know what else is going on (when you’re sitting meditating with your eyes closed!), although I was aware of people – walking by, stopping, asking each other what they think we were doing, reading the sign out loud (beautiful to hear it repeated again and again whilst sitting there!), and even taking photos.
    I’m glad you came and am delighted that you’ve shared this with me!

  2. What a wonderful feeling: meditating and sending metta to all people walking by and to all those who were elsewhere! It made my meditation all the more meaningful. It is interesting to me that an hour went by relatively fast in comparison to meditating in isolation indoors. Being among others brought the feeling that we are all part of a whole and only flowing rivers all the closer.
    Loved it!

  3. I’m perplexed by the contrast between meditation (such an introspective, often solitude-driven act) and participation in a flash mobbish activity…but I’m also intrigued! Your photos are engaging…


    • Mikalee, your description of introspective and solitude driven is, I think, subjective. Whilst meditation can be these things I wouldn’t agree that they are what drive it in every instance. For example, recently I’ve been encouraging people to meditate. Rather than highlighting the physiological and spiritual benefits I’ve been pointing out the findings of various scientific research bodies, which demonstrate how meditating, especially in a group, has observable positive effect on the immediate surrounding environment. One of the studies I cite was done by the Maharishi University and basically involved groups of meditators lowering the incidence of crime within a certain period in Washington DC. Details of this and other studies can be found in the post Meditation – It’s Not What You Think at Global Coherence – You Have a Part to Play ( deals with a project the Global Coherence Initiative, which is also based on creating peace through the energy-level coherence achieved through meditating.

      So sitting meditating in public is really a service and something we can all do to create peace. After being politically active for years (as in ‘activist’) I find it really exciting. We don’t have to fight the ‘darkness’, the shadow that’s slowly spread across the world. All we have to do is make our ‘light’ shine brighter to push back the shadow and light up the darkness.


  4. I mediate on Jesus Christ and His great love for me in dying on the cross for my sins, and His resurrection from the dead. I have peace with God through my Lord, Jesus Christ (Romans 5:1).
    There is no greater peace than that. Thanks for sharing.

    • Amen to that, my friend. I hope you had a blessed day of peace. May His love continue to grow in your heart and overflow onto others, that they may also know the peace and joy of Jesus.

  5. Great pictures! I used to meditate, but gave up after not being very good at it! I find it impossible to focus my mind without it wandering off into a world of pointless thoughts. These pictures make it look so easy!
    Thanks for sharing,

  6. How in the world are those people able to meditate in a bustling city?? I have far too small of an attention span and would be distracted by every single sound! Haha.

    Beautiful photos and congrats on being Freshly Pressed!

  7. Very cool article! And the photos are amazing! Hard to believe that you never did street photography before.

  8. Thankyou for this post. I tend to have a meditative experience through prayer. Interesting if anyone has any views on relationship between meditation and prayer.

    • Its the same thing i guess. when you boil it down, we’re just thinking of ONE thing, and this trains the mind to be in the present moment and bring clarity 🙂

      • There really is no difference between prayer and meditation. Both are a form of focus. However, I would add that we ought to pray/meditate to the only who can bring about that peace that we desire. That who is Jesus Christ. Not a war amongst religion, but an invitation to the only God who offers a true loving relationship to His creation. He’s reaching out for us now. He longs for our “yes.” –Peace

    • I prefer to pray rather than meditate because it gives me a focus. For example, at night time, I think about what has happened during the day, what I loved, what I’ll try and work on. When I meditate, I feel more pressure to not think which makes my mind go crazy!

  9. What a great sight to see! Manchester must be such an interesting, eclectic mix of cultures and ideas going on. On my website, even though I have never been there, people from Manchester are the second largest group and they are very pragmatic, seeing-through-hypocrisy types. Please do keep up your photography work – an early feature like this is indicative of encouragement. -tarotworldtour

  10. What a great idea 🙂 I have seen people randomly dancing, singing etc in the streets so to do something in silence and for people to wonder why is thought provoking!

  11. Like the Pics , esp the 2nd one !!!

    Awareness to surrounding s’
    is a doorway to
    self knowledge

  12. Very beautiful photos of a very beautiful act. In response to the comments above regarding the distraction of the noise of the city, a teacher once told me to bring my awareness to the noises and let them wash over me rather than distract me. They are part of our daily life, and to embrace them rather than try to escape them. I think these photos capture that so beautifully.

    • It’s interesting you say that. I’ve recently learned to meditate and the results are incredible. My temper’s calmed down and I feel so much more at peace, it’s great!

  13. Congrats on being freshly pressed.

    Nothing is better than tuning out the rest of the world and just having some moments to yourself.


  14. Though I am not Buddhist, I do feel the essential necessity of what they are doing. I liked the photos that you have included here, and hope you continue to post more each and everyday!

  15. i try and meditate much more, than what i do. but these pictures are lovely. this society is very fast paced, and it’s always nice to just sit down and have alone and relaxing time for your self. where its very peacefull. Thanks for giving meditation a shout out!

  16. How touching. I adore mass exercises in peace and overall displays of love. More more more!!

  17. I’m very fond of the inherent clash here. Much like Mikalee observed- the strong impact “Flash Mob” with the peacefulness of Zen and Meditation. Beautiful

    • Hi Matt, I’ve just replied to Mikalee’s comment and found yours. Rather than duplicate my reply, could I suggest you read it beneath her comment (presuming you’re not automatically notified of posts). For you I would add a bit of word play. You mention liking the terminology clash, but I’m not sure that the meanings of the terms do actually clash. Flash is a word often used to describe the experience of Kensho and/or Satori, individual enlightenment characterised as a sudden flash of awareness. The word ‘mob’ comes from the 17th century Latin ‘mobile vulgus’-‘excitable crowd. In physics excitation is an elevation in energy level above an arbitrary baseline energy state. Excited electrons release photons, light, when the move from one state to the next. Which, as it happens, kind of fits with my earlier comment.


  18. Oh this is just !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love it. Love it. The expression on the last ladies face = what it’s all about. It must have been amazing to be present at (especially with a camera in tow)

  19. Do I have to be a day late for everything?!?!?! I was totally just thinking the other day how I wanted to go to the Buddhist temple and go to the meditation class and now I missed a day of random meditation…ugh… Just my luck.
    Great pictures!!

  20. depart from evil and do good. seek peace and pursue it.

    truth is beautiful; and you’ve captured it so wonderfully.

  21. Meditation is just being you and you can do it anywhere and everywhere…
    “love overcomes hatred” LOVE is the highest form of energy!

    lovely photos!

  22. I love this. Meditation flash mob. That’s so cool. I like meditating, but fail almost all the time. My mind doesn’t like to calm down, and by the time I do calm down–I’m falling asleep. Great photos. Thanks so much for sharing! I was not aware of these “flash mobs” happening until reading this! Congrats on getting Freshly Pressed!

  23. Was having a truly hectic morning. After reading this had an overwhelming sense of calm and clarity.
    Looking at the day in a far more positive light. Thank you and warm wishes x

  24. Sorry to rain on the zen parade, but…. This is typical of a culture that takes Eastern tropes and turns them into solipsistic individualistic nonsense. There is no community in this “mob” of individuals with the luxury and privilege to sit on the sidewalk and pray. By stark contrast, every night I go to my corner here in Beirut and listen to my friends (migrant workers) tell me of the revolution in the streets of Syria; who is protesting, who has now been martyred….This is what you need to do. A flash mob with an actual purpose other than self-gratification. Flash mob? Hardly. Transcendental Circle Jerk, definitely.

    • Hey Daniel, I’ve been politically active for a long time, which has included my share of frontline activity against armed militia. I still combat (I use the word instead of fight) injustice wherever I find it and have learned to develop a flexible attitude toward activism, which these days includes meditation. Rather than rewrite I’ll copy and paste my reply to an earlier comment:

      Mikalee, your description of introspective and solitude driven is, I think, subjective. Whilst meditation can be these things I wouldn’t agree that they are what drive it in every instance. For example, recently I’ve been encouraging people to meditate. Rather than highlighting the physiological and spiritual benefits I’ve been pointing out the findings of various scientific research bodies, which demonstrate how meditating, especially in a group, has observable positive effect on the immediate surrounding environment. One of the studies I cite was done by the Maharishi University and basically involved groups of meditators lowering the incidence of crime within a certain period in Washington DC. Details of this and other studies can be found in the post Meditation – It’s Not What You Think at Global Coherence – You Have a Part to Play ( deals with a project the Global Coherence Initiative, which is also based on creating peace through the energy-level coherence achieved through meditating.

      So sitting meditating in public is really a service and something we can all do to create peace. After being politically active for years (as in ‘activist’) I find it really exciting. We don’t have to fight the ‘darkness’, the shadow that’s slowly spread across the world. All we have to do is make our ‘light’ shine brighter to push back the shadow and light up the darkness.


      Different situations and times call for different responses and actions. Different circumstances also have a bearing on possible and appropriate action. Check out the science behind meditation. Use it as another string for your bow.


    • Hello Daniel, thanks for commenting on my post. I am reluctant to get into a debate on the merits of different belief systems and peoples motivations and intentions, since my motivation here is just to share my photographs. But you have provided me with some inspiration for a future blog post. If you are open to consider other perspectives on this, please do pop by another time when I have had the time to collect my thoughts 🙂

  25. Beautiful !!! I have dedicated my entire life to love and peace through music. Would love to see any of you any time anywhere, great article !!!!! Your new friend in music and positively transforming the planet Heidi Little

  26. Looking at these photos I got a ping in my heart, Because they made me relize i’ve been neglecting my meditaion. I also relized that I absolutly must start again, seeing as how september is a truly hectic time in my job. and pretty soon I’ll be ulling my hair out!

    Thank you for the reminder love.
    & Truly pleasing photographs

  27. I meditate about the great love and peace that Y’shua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ) give in my life. Blessed be the people form Israel and all the nations in the world by his name, because one day he is going to return to bring peace and restore our souls and bodies. Thank for the pictures. Romans 8

  28. I am glad I found your site, street photography has always been difficult for me as well! But I had not heard of the meditation day, and I have joined my local facebook page so I too can contribute my little bit to peace in the world. It looks like you have brought awareness to many, thank you.

  29. That quote about hatred and love has so much wisdom in it. By the way, I’ve been a Buddhist (Theravadha) all my life. There is plenty of group meditation in temples so it isn’t a entirely solitude driven act for those that think so. The first photo is the stand out to me.

  30. A great article and original images. I do a lot of practice but this was original but please everybody you have to watch my movie the day horror came to Oslo. I was there as a witness and at night I made this movie in the worlds greatest sculpture park Vigelands parken on meditation by walking on inner peace its a must. My images and movie was Downloaded by the Nobel Peace Prize committee and UN
    But please follow my movie made the same dat I was witness in the evening I was to restless to sit inside and share it with others In advance thank you this is a site I want follow closely. Kenneth

  31. very interesting idea, Meditation Flash Mob is a first that I have seen. usually Flash Mob have other agendas (dance or political statement) but rarely meditation …

  32. This is incredible! Peace will always overcome turmoil. Love will always conquer hate. Light will always outshine darkness. This is a message that has for years been proven as truth, and even in our modern times having been challenged with adversary it will continue to be proven in every aspect of life. Thank you for sharing, I hope that we will all continue to do so as well. Peace & Positivity be with you.

    -Atheena J. Marie

  33. Oh wow! Awesome idea! Thanks for sharing! Meditation is so relaxing, we should do this again. Occupy Astral Plane: Everyone Meditate on the same day.

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